Spot and Stain Removal on Carpet, Rugs...

Room with spot and stain on carpetProper spots and stain removal from carpeting, rugs, wall covering and upholstery is essential in keeping them looking beautiful.

Spots can appear on carpets and upholstery from everyday living. Periodic spot and stain removal treatments can keep your carpets and furniture looking beautiful and new.

Call All Clean Immediately if you have a Stain!

It is important that spots and stains be removed as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage to the textile. Many times, more damage can occur by trying to remove the stain yourself; unfortunately, this can make our job harder, as the stain may be impossible to completely remove. For most stains, we dog standing on carpetrecommend immediately scooping up as much of the spill as possible using a cloth towel.

Our experienced professionals work with all types of fabrics, including silks and the most delicate of textiles. Our technicians will evaluate the spot or stain and determine the proper treatment to remove it while avoiding any damage to the fabric. Each treatment or application involves proven chemistry, which may be impacted by your efforts to treat the stain.

Do not take this lightly!
Whether pets, wine, food, water, ground-in dirt or other substances resulted in spots and stains, All Clean Carpet, Inc. can remove them - but avoid disturbing or changing the chemistry of the stain with stain removers. All Clean's proper cleaning methods will help to ensure your satisfaction! Fiber-Shield® protection system is always available!

Are you ready to have spots and stains professionally cleaned and removed from your textiles? Call us today at (516)-621-0524 or fill out our contact form. We’ll be happy to answer any questions that you might have about your cleaning project.

Handling Spots and Stains on your Carpet or Rug

wine spot and stain on carpet

Spots and Stains

If you've experienced the unfortunate circumstances of a spill resulting in spots and stains on (WOOL CARPET or WATER SAFE TEXTILES), here are immediate steps you can take to help.

    (1) Immediately scoop up as much of the spill as possible. If possible, use a wet/dry vacuum if spill is very large.

    (2) Take a terry cloth towel, place on the spill/stain, step and push into the towel until all moisture is transferred into towel. Do not rub, be sure to blot, push, press.

    (3) Place club soda/seltzer/water (whichever is available) into the spot or stain, leave for 1 minute, repeat step 2 with fresh towel.

    The above does not apply to petroleum based stains such as: tar, grease, oil, make up, ink, paint, etc. These should be left completely alone—call us!

    WARNING! The above noted procedure is NOT TO BE USED for silk, chenille and velvet.

    NOTE! Under no circumstance should one use any other chemicals or soaps to remove these stains. In addition, the above does not pertain to any fabric—do not attempt to remove, call us!

    IMPORTANT! Most stains we are unable to remove are not a result of the spill itself, but of the attempts by non-professionals to remove the stains themselves. Aggressive or otherwise inappropriate treatment can lead to permanent staining.

Protect Carpets and Rugs with Fiber-Shield®

Fiber-Shield® resists everyday wear, spots and stains. Once applied, future cleanings will be more effective. Treated fibers and fabrics demonstrate improved abrasion resistance (wear). Apply Fiber-Shield® to all furnishings, including wall-to-wall carpets, area rugs, all fine fabrics (cotton, velvet, wool, silk, leather), and all upholstery. Fiber-Shield® is highly recommended for any new home furnishing or carpeting. Fiber-Shield® provides deep-down protection on each and every fiber with no color change. Fiber-Shield® will not wear off, making follow-up spot and stain removal more effective. Fiber-Shield® state-of-the-art polymers fight oil-based stains to further the longevity and beauty of your investment. Fiber-Shield® protection system really works!

The All Clean Carpet Difference

All Clean Carpet Van in driveway

You purchase – we protect, educate, treat and maintain your textiles with care and respect. We must live up to our reputation and we do – if you listen to us. Some of our lingo is ‘Did you know?’ and ‘The hard facts on soft textiles’. We need to instill these facts to do our reputation justice.

Many other products and service providers provide inaccurate information that can keep our clientele on the defense. But, we are different – let us show you the All Clean difference!


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Fiber-Shield® Technology

wine spill