Allergy Neutralizer for Carpet and Upholstery

girl with allergy sneezing All Clean Carpet's Allergy Neutralizer for Carpet and Upholstery - The fabrics in our home capture and hold many types of allergens including dust, pollen, bugs, dust mites and more. The carpet industry and health professionals recommend cleaning your carpets, upholstery, and window coverings at least once a year to rid your home of these allergens, and to help everyone in your home breathe more easily. At All Clean Carpet, we offer exceptional services and outstanding results to clients in the Long Island, NYC, Westchester, Manhattan, and Connecticut areas.

carpet beetleAmong the most common allergens in your carpet today are the Carpet Beetle and Moths, which can cause allergic reactions while damaging your carpets, wall coverings and upholstery. These pests feed on textiles, including wool, silk and leather, and are attracted more to natural textiles that are soiled with food, pet stains and body oils. Regular professional carpet and upholstery cleaning or more frequent cleanings with an anti-allergen application can remove irritation these allergens may cause.

All Clean Carpet's certified technicians can evaluate the type of allergens in your home and use an effective anti-allergen treatment to clean all of your textiles to resulting in the elimination of these allergens from your home. All Clean Carpet offers special anti-allergen solutions, customized to the type of irritant in your fabric. We also offer organic and chemical-free cleaning to help protect the environment.

green treeAll Clean Carpet, Inc. uses Responsible Care™ hypo-allergenic cleaning products of the following type and characteristics:

• We (can) use MasterBlend® hypo-allergenic cleaning products
• Products derived from renewable seed and vegetable sources
• Products containing no perfumes
• Non Hazardous VOCs or solvents
• Biodegradable
• Environmentally safe

All Clean Carpet, Inc. can utilize green organic carpet allergy neutralizers. All Clean Carpet can utilize a green organic steam carpet cleaning method which uses natural products and cleaning solutions that won't irritate sensitive breathing passages or skin.

Do you Know What's Lurking in Your Carpet?

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Carpet Beetles, moths, or other insects? These pests can get inside your home and produce bacteria causing allergies and other health risks. Common areas for these insects include areas with accumulations of lint, air ducts, along edges of carpeting, underneath baseboards, in your carpet and upholstered furniture.

Most common in late winter and early spring, once hatched, larvae will search for food throughout your home. If a food source disappears during the insect's development, the larvae can survive for several weeks without food. Many carpet beetle larvae are quite mobile and can spread throughout your entire home. The larvae can become fully grown in two to eleven months and continue to spread. The cat laying downmost common carpet beetles in homes have a one-year life-cycle.

All Clean Carpet can remove these pests and apply an allergy neutralizing treatment that will remove food, bacteria and the larvae from your carpets or area rugs. All Clean Carpet recommends regular carpet cleaning and allergy neutralizers to ensure you a safe and healthy home.

Shield Your Carpet from Allergens with Fiber-Shield®

Fiber-Shield® is a positive investment for your peace of mind. An application of Fiber-Shield® protection builds in long-lasting beauty and helps increase resistance Fiber-Shield® Technologyto everyday wear, soils, foods and stains on your carpeting and upholstery. Fiber-Shield's® non-toxic, non-flammable and hypo-allergenic properties make it safe for use virtually anywhere. Fiber-Shield® is a protectant that really works!

How to Avoid Allergens from Building Up in Your Carpet and Upholstery

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Below are several of our recommended steps you can take to minimize allergen build up in your carpet and upholstery.

    (1) Minimize foods and pets from coming in contact with your carpeting and upholstery.

    (2) Quickly vacuum and remove any spills, stains or soil from your carpeting and upholstery.

    (3) Vacuum frequently - at least once per week to keep build ups at a minimum.

    (4) Have an annual carpet and upholstery cleaning performed by a carpet cleaning professional.


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